Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June the special month

June is my name, is the month I was born and the month I get married. The month of the fun season- Summer!
As it getting close to the end, I’m reflecting on those events that took place, I’m a little busy lately or more precisely a bit lazy to take out the pictures and blog…hehehe


June 1st – Our Anniversary! the 2nd Anniversary. We celebrate it in LA. More pictures here. Thank you hubby for being such a wonderful husband. The best part was when he thank me for I have changed his life… #.#

June 9th- My Birthday! I spent the day cleaning up and organize some of my stuff and reflecting on my life and all the events that have taken place and what I have learned. hubby came home and cook for me that night. I took out the champagne glasses from Tiffany&Co (a wedding gift from my buddy, Emi) for the first time to celebrate, hehe. The day before my birthday, we had dinner at my in-laws place, my sister in- law bought me a cheesecake, my parents in- law gave me red packets (lishi). ^^ A nice and quiet celebration overall…Hmmm…but I can’t believe I'm leaving the 20’s :p



This is the famous ice cream store under the Brooklyn Bridge but living here for almost 8 years, we never tried it. It’s yummy! Looking at my BIG silly smile, you can tell I’m an ice cream lover, right?

A few weeks before approaching our anniversary I told hubby that I may need an iPod so that I can utilize some of my travel time in the subway to listen to audio books. Just a thought. He was thrilled of course, my man when he heard he can get to buy or even shop for others on electronics, he is exited.

We usually tell each other…. “don’t buy me anything, I don’t need anything right now.” We don’t like to buy things for the sake of buying or to celebrate whatever it is. Sometimes we will buy it the time we need it and say, ok this is for the birthday, or anniversary or Christmas…in other word, we can’t wait till then and we don’t do it purposely for that day.
We browse together and I chose the purple iPod Nano, I'm not a high tech person, I totally don’t care about what model of phone or electronic device I use as long as it functioning well for its purpose, LOL! Hubby lied to me and said we should wait since he heard rumors that they are going to have a new model coming out soon in a few months. Ok…. so I forgot about it until he surprise me! he did this a lot….act like he had forgotten about my birthday or valentines day and surprise me with a big bouquet of flowers or something...



Monday, June 29, 2009

It’s up!

Finally, our piece of artwork is up on the wall. Our first puzzle together, hehehe. It’s a 750 pieces puzzle that we get from Barnes & Noble. It was done long time ago in the beginning of spring but we couldn’t find a place to help us frame it and most places charge more than $150! And for some reason, I didn’t notice that IKEA has those nice frame with very reasonable price…until my buddy Kit Wai reminded me about it, thanks girl!





Almost done….

..... ....

.... .... ........

After cutting and fitting and drilling, finally, now it’s up on the wall! We love it! So peaceful…. a mother horse and her baby horse.
Hubby said this piece will go to the baby’s room in future :P


Portrait of my hubby, LOL!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Remembering your talent…May you rest in peace…

Talking to my brother on the phone yesterday about Michael Jackson’s death brought back a lot of my childhood memories… Michael Jackson had brought so many wonderful music to this world.

Michael Jackson signature A white piece of paper signed Michael

I remember singing and dancing together with my youngest uncle who is a fan of Michael Jackson. He would play his music record or music video and make us all dance together. I was very young but this fantastic singer’s music would make us start moving and dance along.
I remember asking my uncle to replay the music video of Thriller but that time I had no idea about his name until I was older. I recalled my brother’s favorite song is You are not Alone. My favorite is Black or White. Until today, the music video of Black or White still totally get my attention, I will not move until I finish watching the whole thing. And of course there are a list of songs that are so popular which most of us enjoy, Billy Jean, Beat It, The way you make me feel, We are the World and so on…
Remember how people everywhere tried to imitate him? And no matter who try to do that, whether they are good or not, they would always draw a huge crowd, just to see how well these people can imitate Michael Jackson, and that also proves that he was so good that people just cannot get enough of his dance moves.
I remember when I just came to New York, there was a teenager who would imitate Michael Jackson and performed his dance moves at most subway stations, and every single time there were huge crowd gather to see his performance. He was pretty good but nothing compare to MJ, of course.
My mom was saying she really likes his look before all the plastic surgeries and most of us agree he is very good looking by birth. Take a look at his younger picture, isn’t he cute?


May you rest in peace…

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Top rated!

A friend of us just moved to Manhattan near the Battery Park. We were helping her to set up the network system in her home office and organizing her apartment. 800px-The_Esplanade_in_Battery_Park_November_2003_New_York_City
This is an image of Battery Park directly below her high rise apartment building.

After that, she took us out for dinner and we had a blast at Matsu II, a sushi restaurant located at the upper east side Manhattan. Since we are vegetarian and we are not picky eater, hubby and I are always very satisfied with our asparagus roll, avocado roll, …and all the other veggies roll that we usually order at sushi restaurant. But at Matsu II, the owner who were once a vegetarian for 2 years told us that he knows exactly what we can eat and what not and since he’s a very good friend to our friend, he went to the kitchen and prepare us all the special order! And I can tell you they are SUPER DELICIOUS, it’s beyond words! And those you cannot find in any restaurant, they were all his own creation. He is very nice and tell us to call him in advance if we ever want to go there so that he can prepare the special meal for us. Matsu II, top rated! Sorry no pictures of the food because we forgot about the camera and just dig in and eat, eat, eat…

Monday, June 8, 2009

Never Quit

I received this from an email when I was a student, not long ago... And it was just when I needed it. I will never forget those struggling years I had… Future was uncertain... would all the hard works bear a fruitful outcome? or it's just a waste of time and effort at the end?.... Would the pain disappear…when is it going to heal or is it going to leave a permanent scar?
Reading this gave me a huge encouragement. I would like to share it with you if you have never seen it yet.

One day, I decided to quit. I wanted to quit my job, to quit my relationships, to quit my spirituality; I even wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God", I said, "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer surprised me. "Look around", He said, "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?" "Yes", I replied. "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." "In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." "In the third year there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit." "In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. Still, I would not quit." "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge they could not handle," He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I would not quit on the bamboo. and I will never quit on you! Don't compare yourself to others. The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come," God said to me. "You will rise high." "How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?", He asked in return. "As high as it can?", I questioned. "Yes", He said, "Give Me glory by rising as high as you can. And
remember...I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I will never give up on you. I will never, ever quit on you." Everyone has days when they want to "quit". When there are struggles...obstacles in life, remember we're just growing roots!! God has a purpose in mind for each one of us and we need to talk to Him and let Him help us realize that purpose. Always remember, He'll never leave us, He'll never forsake us, and He'll never quit on us.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tagged by Meng Loo - Nurse Story...

Ok, Meng Loo, here’s my homework. sorry for the delay, haha! :
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you.
At last, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.

June sis - tell us nurse story please :)

1. I cried almost every week when I was a nursing student because they torture us in school. The stress level is unbelievable.

2. Nursing is a profession which require both brain power and physical strength!

3. My heaviest patient was 400 pounds(181.8 kg) :P I needed 5 other nurses to help me to turn that patient and 3 of them had to be male nurses.

4. You also need a strong stomach, and be calm NO MATTER what happen! Ex: A patient throw up while I was drawing his blood, I couldn’t run or even move away because I have to finish my task.

5. I still remember the names of some of my patients.

6. I had nightmares during my first few weeks of work. One of them, I was sitting up in bed holding my husband’s finger because I was testing blood sugar in my dream…wa-ha-ha-ha. After that, he made sure all the needles are kept away.

7. I didn’t know I have such a large bladder, one time I forgot to go to the restroom for about 10 hours straight because one of my patient was in crisis and I was running around for the whole shift.

8. There are many places to work other than the hospital. School, office, corporate building, private home, independently, etc…

9. The best thing about working in the hospital is we only work 3 days a week, the down side is sometimes it has to be on the weekend (weekend is nicer to work because it’s more quiet) but then I can’t go out with hubby.

10. I see life differently after working in the hospital…

11. Many times I pray to God to help ease their sufferings and pain because there’s nothing else we could do…

12. When a patient died, besides the family member we pay attention to care and comfort the patient in the same room because usually they became worry and develop anxiety attack.

13. My goal in my career is to work in delivering the message of prevention and living a meaningful life.

14. I am proud to be a nurse but mostly I am very grateful because I know for the fact that it cannot be done by myself, they are many blessings that I received. My hubby is one of the angels that help me.

15. I enjoy describing the many different "disgusting" details of handling care of patients to my mom, muahahaha, because she used to tell me and my brothers that if we cannot handle “dirty” things how are we going to handle our own babies’ poops?
Ahem, mom, bring it on!

16. Life is short! Find the meaning of life and live a meaningful life not just an enjoyable one.

Now, choose 5 people…hmmm, hey guys no pressure, you can do it or leave it. hehe

1. Siew – please include your romance story, I don’t know how and where you met your husband. *wink

2. Gigi – tell me about you and John after having a baby. You can write about anything except Ivan because I think I’ve heard enough about him, LOL!

3. KW- tell me about your life in MN or anything

4. Wow, that’s all I can tag….tell me how to recruit my buddy to start a blog.

5. Shen Yee, stop reading my blog quietly, now, time to come out and write something…..