June is my name, is the month I was born and the month I get married. The month of the fun season- Summer!
As it getting close to the end, I’m reflecting on those events that took place, I’m a little busy lately or more precisely a bit lazy to take out the pictures and blog…hehehe
June 1st – Our Anniversary! the 2nd Anniversary. We celebrate it in LA. More pictures here. Thank you hubby for being such a wonderful husband. The best part was when he thank me for I have changed his life… #.#
June 9th- My Birthday! I spent the day cleaning up and organize some of my stuff and reflecting on my life and all the events that have taken place and what I have learned. hubby came home and cook for me that night. I took out the champagne glasses from Tiffany&Co (a wedding gift from my buddy, Emi) for the first time to celebrate, hehe. The day before my birthday, we had dinner at my in-laws place, my sister in- law bought me a cheesecake, my parents in- law gave me red packets (lishi). ^^ A nice and quiet celebration overall…Hmmm…but I can’t believe I'm leaving the 20’s :p
This is the famous ice cream store under the Brooklyn Bridge but living here for almost 8 years, we never tried it. It’s yummy! Looking at my BIG silly smile, you can tell I’m an ice cream lover, right?
A few weeks before approaching our anniversary I told hubby that I may need an iPod so that I can utilize some of my travel time in the subway to listen to audio books. Just a thought. He was thrilled of course, my man when he heard he can get to buy or even shop for others on electronics, he is exited.
We usually tell each other…. “don’t buy me anything, I don’t need anything right now.” We don’t like to buy things for the sake of buying or to celebrate whatever it is. Sometimes we will buy it the time we need it and say, ok this is for the birthday, or anniversary or Christmas…in other word, we can’t wait till then and we don’t do it purposely for that day.
We browse together and I chose the purple iPod Nano, I'm not a high tech person, I totally don’t care about what model of phone or electronic device I use as long as it functioning well for its purpose, LOL! Hubby lied to me and said we should wait since he heard rumors that they are going to have a new model coming out soon in a few months. Ok…. so I forgot about it until he surprise me! he did this a lot….act like he had forgotten about my birthday or valentines day and surprise me with a big bouquet of flowers or something...